Comprehensive Eye Exam

Comprehensive eye exams are critical to accurately assess vision and detect as early as possible any asymptomatic eye diseases in their early stages.


Dr. Besser specializes in preventing and treating eye conditions, including diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and glaucoma.

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What Does a Comprehensive Eye Exam Include?

A comprehensive eye exam includes vision tests together with specialized tests to identify eye disease.

Eye dilation is a critical component of a comprehensive exam because it gives the eye specialist a clear view of the retina, macula, optic nerve, and blood vessels. Dr. Besser can detect early signs of progressive eye conditions with a dilated eye exam.

Diseases like diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and glaucoma exhibit visible changes inside the eye such as swollen blood vessels, yellow deposits, and cupping of the optic nerve.

Dual eye exam

Key tests included in a comprehensive eye exam

Besides screening for color blindness, eye movement, depth perception, and refraction, other key tests in a comprehensive eye exam include:

  • Tonometry: measures eye pressure to detect glaucoma

  • Visual field test: measures peripheral (side) vision

  • Visual acuity test: tests vision at various distances

  • Slit-lamp exam: binocular microscope used to examine external and internal structures under high magnification

Basic vision screening is not the same as a comprehensive eye exam, so if you’re overdue for a thorough eye evaluation, call Dr. Besser's practice in Culver City, Los Angeles, or schedule an appointment online.

What's The Difference Between an Ophthalmologist and an Optometrist?

An ophthalmologist is a medical doctor (MD) or a doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) specializing in eye health and vision care. Ophthalmologists have completed four years of postgraduate medical school, one year of medical internship and three years of ophthalmology residency.

As an ophthalmologist, Dr. Besser has expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of eye disease, and in performing eye surgery using the latest technology.

Optometrists are eye doctors who have earned a Doctor of Optometry (OD) degree. They test for vision problems, examine eyes for health conditions, and correct refractive errors by prescribing contact lenses and eyeglasses.

While optometrists are licensed to prescribe medications, the scope of the medical care they can provide is limited and determined by state laws. When an optometrist detects signs of eye disease, they refer the patient to an ophthalmologist.

Dr. Besser doesn’t provide eyeglasses or contact lenses, but we work closely with local optometrists and can make recommendations.

Recommended schedule for comprehensive eye exams

Under 40 years: every 5-10 years

40-54 years of age: every 2-4 years

55-64 years of age: every 1-3 years

Age 65 and older: every 1-2 years

Besser exam

When Should Adults Schedule a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

Dr. Besser recommends having a baseline examination to assess the health of your eyes by the age of 40. Besides identifying early signs of eye disease, this exam provides a comparison to use during future exams. That helps detect subtle changes in structures inside the eye.

Patients with risk factors like diabetes and hypertension may need more frequent examinations. Otherwise, the recommended schedule for comprehensive eye exams is:

  • Under 40 years: every 5-10 years

  • 40-54 years of age: every 2-4 years

  • 55-64 years of age: every 1-3 years

  • Age 65 and older: every 1-2 years

With regular eye exams, eye conditions that develop for years without causing symptoms, such as diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration and glaucoma, can be detected and treated before they cause vision loss.

Venice shadows

To schedule a comprehensive eye exam, contact our office in Culver City, Los Angeles, today.

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